23 févr. 2013

Imagine Dragons //

The title of this post is a name's band ! They have released 3 EPs, I think. I really like them, it's like the new generation of rock/indie/electro. They are really good. The last song they have released is named "Radioactive" !
Anyway, have a good day :)

21 févr. 2013

"Golden Boy"

The title of this post is the title of a famous song by the England band, QUEEN.
I can not help myself. I am obsessed by Freedie Mercury. Golden Boy is my favourite song ! Just pure genius. He mixed classic and "opera style" with blues and gospel during 6 minutes of pure happiness. Go listen to it if you did not have the chance to !

The necklace "Harajuku" is from Forever21. Actually, it's a gift from my bestfriend :)
Just know he bought it at Forever21 !

9 févr. 2013

"Everybody Talks"

This post's title is a song by Neon Trees. They were in Paris for only one concert and it was amazing *___*
Anyway, inspired by them, an outfit popped out :)

Chine Machine
100, rue des Martyrs
75018 PARIS

New Look


Don't forget to follow/subscribe or whatever !
Love you all xoxo


It's the end. Keut (korean word). I bought CREEPERS. I was so tempted by whatever it was. But yes, I bought it. I was tempted, I'm telling you, POSSESSED. Seriously, let's talk 2 minutes about creepers. The first time I saw them, I was "Gosh, what are they ? Some other weird shoes that punks and grunge guys wear ?" Not really nice from me I have to say ^^' But creepers can be repulsive. Lately, doing some research, I re-found these creepers and I just fell in love. They are so pretty in blue ! How can you not be tempted by these beauties ?? Anyway, I changed my mind about CREEPERS.


Rings //

Bought at H&M.
See Ya :)

Don't forget to follow, you will make my day :)
Love you.


Since I got my phone, I always am on Instagram or Twitter. These are some of my posts :)
Instagram & Twitter: @Olivia Flies