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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est style. Afficher tous les articles

23 janv. 2014

All was about MENSWEAR !

As you already saw, Paris fashion week for menswear was crazy as hell. Two well-known Korean stars named G-Dragon and Taeyang were in Paris. As a result, it was "oppa" sound (big brother/boyfriend in Korean) here and there. I am also a fan of Korean music. Nevertheless, I would rather have a concert of them than, them coming in Paris, bringing Parisian saeseng (hard hard fan).
To not help it, Will Smith, Kanye West, A$AP ROCKY, and Kendrick Lamar were present. Sorry, I don't have photos of Kendrick Lamar.. this guy is kind of small and with his bodyguards around.. it can't be helped. 
Anyway, the next post will be about TILLMANN LAUTERBACH. Maybe you love/know/heard about this incredible designer. I attended to his show for menswear, and I was moved. Tears were coming, I'm not joking ! Of all the fashion shows *ok, it was 4 in 2 days!* I was present at, it was really the best.That's why I really want to talk about him and his last collection. 

Oh Chanel Haute Couture was ... the sneakers... all.. PERFECT. Margiela, I don't even want to talk about it. *I will!!*

That was my saturday's outfit !

long trench: Burberry Prorsum
pull: thrift store
skirt: handmade

Don't forget to subscribe or post a com !
See you!


30 oct. 2013

Anyway, smile !

Oyé Oyé ! 
Enfin des vacances bien mérités, mais aussi déjà bien entamés. Il commence à faire bien froid sur Paris.  Certains me diraient que c'est la saison des poètes solitaires, des intellectuels mal-aimés, et de la routine malheureuse du temps de pluie, du vent fort, et des nuages grisâtres. D'autres me diraient alors, que c'est la saison du possible renouveau *pourquoi attendre le printemps?*, les arbres perdent les feuilles, celles-ci meurent pour réapparaître plus vives, plus vertes encore; une saison de changement, car on réfléchit, on se souvient avec nostalgie des moments passés, des erreurs faites, alors on prends des résolutions. *qu'on ne tient souvent pas, d'où la monotonie*
 Je fais partie des  "des autres". L'automne est définitivement ma saison préférée. 
J'aime les couleurs de cette saison, cependant je ne fais pas partie des personnes qui ne portent que du rouge, du jaune, et du marron. 
Bref, malgré le froid, gardez le sourire ;)

Oye, Oye !
Finally some well-deserved holidays ! Paris is already bitterly cold . Some would say that it is the period of  solitary poets, badly loved intellectuals and the unfortunate routine of howling wind,
rainy weather and greyish clouds. Others then, would tell us, it's the season of a 'change-aiming' *why are you all waiting for Spring ?*, trees lose their leaves: they die out to reappear more brilliant and sharper. We are reminded of past mistakes, and all, with nostalgia thus, we are willing to take some resolutions *resolutions that we often don't keep hence the monotony*
As you can see, I'm among those "others". I'm fond of these colours' season but I'm not amongst those people who only wear yellow, brown, and red. 
Anyway, despite this cold, keep on smiling guyz ! 

trench coat/ H&M
shirt and pull/ thrift stop
jean/ H&M
creepers/ New Look


26 sept. 2013


I've never been a boubou-print fan. Like, ever. My style tends to be monochromic, with some accessories thrown here and there to funky up my outfits. Even though the boubou-print is culturally prominent in Cameroon, it is more of a "working-daddy" stuff than a fashionable trend likely to be adopted by youngsters like me. Being aware of the domination of "occidental trends" over the fashion scene here, I decided to go against the "standard" and try something different; something both far from my personal style and close to my culture.
How would I do that ? By trying boubou-print of course !


This boubou-print oversized blazer is a gift of my father's. He didn't wear it anymore, so I decided to steal it from him. It was a handmade blazer which is part denim, part cotton and part woven raffia. Its vivacious colours prevented me from using any acessory (because it'd be "too much" and look tacky, in my opinion) and inspired me to couple it with this black skinny jeans that I ripped myself (#TeamDIYBabieees !). I think the best way to wear a similar highly coloured oversized top is to pair it with a skinny dark-coloured jeans and dark or burgundy derbys, instead of going barefeet like me.
What do you think ?


22 sept. 2013

Blue Marine

Pourquoi bleu marine ?
Bon je dois l'avouer, je suis pas allée chercher très loin. J'ai juste pris la couleur de ce blazer fait soie, coupé sur les manches fait par ma Maman. A vrai dire, elle l'avait fait pour elle, il y a pas mal d'années mais bon, elle voulait plus le porter. Et moi qui suis fan de ses vêtements, je l'ai repris pour une seconde vie haha. 

Why "blue marine" ?
Well, uhm, I have to say, it's not really hard to figure it out haha. I just used the colour of this silk blazer, cut on the sleeves made by Mum. Truth is, she has made it for herself but she didn't want to wear it anymore so ! I took it for a second life haha.

that was funny to make !
what am I wearing:
blue silk blazer: mummy
blue shirt: H&M
black jean:Cheap Monday
shoes: Salamander

Breaking news: PARIS FASHION WEEK D-2

Stay tuned !


14 sept. 2013

Autumnal Mood

Let's talk "fall".
There's nothing as lovely as a slightly cold and rainy weather. Everything seems to bear some sort of silent energy under the muted light of a gray day. Anyway, enough with the sappy blabbing. Let's get back to fashion.
According to me, the September - December period always entails some sort of a mood shift in colour association. With the cold gray weather and the rainy days I always either go safe with a soft combination of browns and grays and whites, or simply set for head-to-toe black. I think organic and "wooden" colours are the shit for this fall. You might also want to consider the trend for this year's fall: a mix of rock/chic style, with a hint of oversized apparel and dark colours.

With all the blabbing being done, I decided that the best look to represent what I call the "Autumnal Mood" is the head-to-toe black outfit. I chose to go basic because even though I like using accessories to "funky up" the outfit, I don't feel comfortable doing that on a black-over-black look.And besides, I didn't like the idea of wearing any colour with this awesome vintage woolen coat I got in a thrift store. You could consider replacing the black shirt with a dark gray V-neck or adding a scarf, or even replacing the boots (I have a fetish for those) with burgundy derbys. It's all up to ya, Fliers.

Coat - woolen, vintage, brandless, found in a thrift store.
Shirt - Cotton, H&M
Skinny jeans - Denim, 1969
Boots - Leather, Dr Martens

And you, what is your "Autumnal Mood" ?



6 sept. 2013

Back-to-School !

Que s'est-il passé ?
A vrai dire, j'ai pris ces photos il y a quelque temps, mais je me suis dit que l'outfit convenait plus à cette fameuse journée, l'attendue, l'inévitable: la rentrée. J'aime bien ce côté "working girl"
L'endroit dans lequel nous voulions se balader cette fois-ci, quelques amis et moi, était de l'autre côté du Marais, au "Village Saint-Paul" ! Et c'est là que vous vous dites:"euh.. village comme "village" ?" haha. Et bien nope flyers, on dit "village", mais c'est plus dans l'esprit village artistique. C'est divisé en 4 et on y trouve des galeries, des cafés, des friperies, c'est vraiment cool ! *je mettrais les photos de l'endroit dans un prochain post lifestyle :)*

What happened ?
To tell you the truth, I shoot this ,few days ago but I thought that it would be perfect for what we all have in mind these days: the fateful, the expected back-to-school day or back-to-work day. I love this 'working girl' outfit's side . 
With some friends *as usual* there was this place that we really wanted to see: 'Village Saint-Paul' *direct translation: Saint-Paul's Village* Then you are wondering if when I say 'village' is like 'village' ? haha. Of course not, flyers. When we say 'village', we are thinking about an artistic site. It is split up into 4 villages which in you can find galeries, cafés, thrift shops, it's really a place-to-be !
*I will show you more photos of this place in the near future in the section 'lifestyle' :)*

Let's go !

"what am I wearing ?":
: Mum's (she's my first inspiration haha)
skirt: Chine Machine, thrift shop metro: Abbesses
shoes: Salamander

And you, which outfit did you pick ? Classy ? Casual ? 
Stay tuned !


2 sept. 2013


Pourquoi M-SHIRT ? 
Comme vous le savez je suis une vraie fan des chemises vintage que l'on retrouve habituellement dans les friperies. Mais le plus souvent, ce sont des chemises pour hommes avec de beaux imprimés. Ça fait partie une des choses  que je déteste, quand vous allez à H&M ou autres, n'êtes-vous jamais allés faire un tour à l'étage pour homme ? Et là, vous vous rendez compte comment les t-shirts homme sont magnifiques, plus travaillés, plus recherchés que ceux des femmes. Au final, les 3/4 de mes t-shirts sont hommes lmao. Si vous vous demandez, est-ce qu'ils me vont bien, plus au moins par rapport aux coupes ou au col, je dirais que oui. Mais s'ils ne fit vraiment pas, j'aime bien les couper au niveau des épaules, ce qui permet de donner un côté plus tomboy que j'adore. 

Why  M-SHIRT ?
As you know, I'm a real fan of those vintage shirts that you can usually find in thrift stores. Nevertheless, mostly, they are shirts for men. When you go to H&M or another mainstream store, have you ever went upstairs to see men's floor ? And then, you realize how beautiful those shirts are. More elaborate, having more printed ones than women's. Finally, 3/4 of  my shirts are for men haha. If you're wondering, if it fits me, more or less, compared to the cuts or to the collar, it does. But if  they really don't fit, I like to cut them at the level of the shoulders which can give a tomboy side that I loove ! 

"what am I wearing ?":
shirt: Kiloshop, metro hotel de ville
short: H&M
shoes: New Balance 574

And you, do you like "m-shirts" ?

Stay tuned !


26 août 2013

You, Yourself & You.

Pourquoi "You, Yourself & You" ?

 A vrai dire, je voulais mettre "me, myself and I" mais j'avais envie de faire un jeu de mot un peu bête haha. "You, Yourself & You", c'est dans l'optique de dire "Live for Yourself". Il y a une chose que je déteste. De nos jours, la plupart des gens essaye d'être quelque qu'un qu'ils ne sont pas, ou bien d'être conformiste et penser au "qu'en dira t-on ?". Pourquoi vouloir ressembler à quelqu'un que l'on n'est pas ? Je pense qu'il y a un lien direct avec la Mode. Nous avons des inspirations, certes. Des personnes qui nous permettent de croire en nos rêves ou bien qui nous permettent de nous dire "et si c'était moi ?". Mais ce que je tiens à ne pas vous faire oublier c'est que ces personnes ont elles, aussi, eu des inspirations. Des inspirations qui leur ont ensuite donné envie d'influencer, de créer quelque chose de nouveau, d'innovateur. 

Alors n'ayez pas seulement des inspirations, vivez pour vous, ayez votre style; devenez, à votre tour, une source d'inspiration. o(^o^)o

Why "You, Yourself & You"?

 To tell the truth, I was rather going to say "Me, Myself & I" but I just wanted to make a dumb play on words. "You, Yourself & You" is not to say selfishness and waffle but to say "Live for Yourself". There is a thing which I really dislike. Nowadays, most people try to be someone that they are not, or are conformists and think about what people will say. Why be someone that we will never be ? I think there is a causal link with Fashion. We have inspirations, certainly. They allow us to believe in our dreams or to say: 'and if it was me ?' What I am keen to is not you to forget that once, those people had inspirations *sure, they do now* Inspiration that gave them the wish and passion to influence the world, to create something new, trend-setter. 

Thus, don't only have inspirations to 'believe into', live for yourself, and become an inspiring influence. o(^o^)o


what am I wearing:  ALL VINTAGE ! haha

Aujourd'hui, c'est du all vintage, salopette, chaussure, chemise. En cherchant à m'acheter une nouvelle salopette je me suis rendue compte que les 3/4 des gens mettaient toujours quelque chose à l'intérieur de leur salopette: peut-etre une marinière ou un t-shirt pour accentuer cette effet "marin" lmao.
C'est pourquoi je me suis demandée si c'était si moche que ça de mettre quelque chose à l'extérieur.. résultat: J'ai adoré :))

Today, it is all vintage, overall, shoes, shirt. I was looking for a new overall, and I realized that most people wear something inside the overall like t-shirt or a striped jersey: maybe it is to bring out the "sailor"  effect lmao. That's why I thought:" would it be that ugly to wear something on an overall ?" Well I guess not ! I loved it :))

So, what do you think ?